WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting


by m.tamosauskas| June 30, 2015 | 3 Comments


Dear Elliott Wave Enthusiast!

We’ve just completed recording PART II of our semi-annual video series of Elliott Wave price forecasts. Part I focused on the trends  of global STOCK MARKETS, how they’ve been developing during the last 6-month period, and how they are expected to continue during the remaining part of this year and beyond. In PART II, we now turn our attention to three other asset classes, COMMODITIES, CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES.We’re pleased to announce this next installment, PART II is ready and waiting for your keenest attention – NOW!

This is our regular 6-month update of Global Markets and it’s a completely FREE addition to your current subscription of the Elliott Wave Compass report. Peter Goodburn, who heads the team of Elliott Wave analysts here at WaveTrack International is again our host as he leads us through some of the major themes and trends developing in these three important asset classes.

Peter’s in a unique positon to help guide us through the next stages of what is expected to be another major shift in trends, and if nothing else, blow the lid on some market misconceptions! After all, he knows a thing or two about the commodity markets – he was trading in the dealing rooms during the late 1970’s when the Hunt brother’s attempted to corner the world silver market –and at a later date in his career, trading currencies for some of the world’s major central banks – and during the early part of the 2000’s, advising major European T-1 & T-2 banks on directional interest rate movements. These in-depth experiences in different asset classes led Peter to devise cross-relationship analysis of what he describes as ‘market interdependency’ – no asset class is isolated from the tides and rhythms of monetary asset flows – and to gauge how each develops, an examination of positive/negative correlations is an essential element in that assessment process.

This is good reason to bundle these next three areas of finance together COMMODITIES, CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES.

And there’s no better way to examine these correlations than allowing them to ‘speak’ to us through the deterministic methodology of the Elliott Wave Principle!

After completing the recording of this latest video, Peter explained, “…even after 30-years of practicing the Elliott Wave Principle, I still find it humbling when patterns jump out at you, to reveal their ‘hidden’ future, of what is to come. I’ve looked at length into many other systems of analysis over this time, from the downright quirky to the more esoteric of methodologies, but none have exhibited the same sublime simplicity and accuracy that the Elliott Wave Principle reveals…”.

This latest video of COMMODITIES, CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES includes our most comprehensive study of the commodity markets and related equites that we’ve ever published in video format. It’s much longer than we’d originally intended but Peter insisted on making sure you had everything that he thought was critical to the next stage of the up-coming ‘INFLATION-POP’ scenario. The video lasts for 115 minutes, yes, that’s nearly 2-hours! It’s a marathon, but a necessary step in understanding the next major moves for the next few years (don’t worry, you can stop/pause or fast-forward if you like! – just sit back & enjoy!).

To view the video, ensure your Elliott Wave Compass subscription is up-to-date – simply log-in then follow these instructions:

PART I & II. of WaveTrack semi-annual video series can be watched immediately, by logging into the EW-Compass software and clicking on the text-link provided within the SUMMARY window.

All the very best to you,

The Elliott Wave Analysis Team



  1. shushumiga
    June 30th, 2015 @ 6:29 pm

    or just c from a-b-c which started in November 2014….
    EW different counts possible, but cycles makes the picture clear
    low next year it is way too early for a major low now

  2. Wavetrack International
    July 1st, 2015 @ 4:21 pm

    Hi shushumiga, we are putting a lot of emphasis on other related contracts, like gold miners. Many of them have already finished their declines, so we assign a high probability the major low for the precious metals is coming sooner rather than later.

  3. shushumiga
    July 2nd, 2015 @ 4:56 pm

    Me too… I watch many miners at least 20 and I do not see bottoms… NEM may be.
    Look at gold in euro – clear expanded flat is running since mid 2013. We will see a new low.
    We wait and see what happens:)

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WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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