WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

FOREX and INTEREST RATES – Post-Brexit Video Update!

by WaveTrack International| June 27, 2016 | No Comments

Post-Brexit - Order resides in Chao

Forex and Interest Rates Video Update! Post-Brexit – Order resides in Chao

POST-BREXIT – Order resides in Chaos!

This mid-year video update is the third and final installment in the three-part series of Elliott Wave Forecasts. Part III takes a look at the developing trends of CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES and comes just a couple of days following the U.K.’s referendum ‘Brexit’ vote.

We take a look at the aftermath of the Brexit and attempt to answer whether there’s been any material change in the larger trends of global currency pairs and crosses that were already in motion beforehand. We’ll be covering over 48 charts and examining the Elliott Wave pattern development of the following:

• US$ index
• Euro/US$
• Stlg/US$
• US$/Yen
• Euro/Stlg
• Euro/Yen
• Asian ADXY

Major cycles are also updated along with a cursory look at the US$ dollar versus the Korean Won, Singapore Dollar, Indian Rupee, Taiwan Dollar, Thai Baht, Malaysian Ringgit, Indonesia Rupiah and the Philippine Peso.

Sterling/British Pound has obviously seen the largest movements following the Brexit announcement, but you might be surprised to see how it looks within the long-term trend against the US$ dollar. We also find some confirmatory pattern development for Sterling/British Pound against the Euro.

In terms of interest rate analysis, we add the U.K.’s UK10yr yield analysis for the first time into the video series. We take a look at its long-term yield decline from the inflationary heights of the early 1980’s and what impact last week’s decline had when it traded down to new 35-year lows. We also clarify the ongoing trends for the US10yr treasury yield with updated target levels for year-end – plus the very latest effects of the ECB’s recent attempts to stem deflation in the Eurozone and the Bund Yield’s safe-haven effects following Brexit.

• US 30yr Yields
• US 10yr Yields
• US 10yr Yields Cycle
• Germany 10yr Yields
• UK 10yr Yields

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This is the most insightful and precise Elliott Wave financial forecast available.

Most sincerely,

WaveTrack’s Elliott Wave Team

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