WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

Shemitah & the Federal Reserve

The 29th day of Elul that marks the conclusion of the Shemitah occurred last Sunday, on the 13th September – the first day of trading, Monday 14th got underway without incident – phew! Although our latest ‘The Week Ahead’ video expected it to be a non-event on the day, it may yet have repercussions as […]Continue reading «Shemitah & the Federal Reserve »

About WTI

WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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