WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting


by WaveTrack International| June 28, 2024 | No Comments

Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update 2024 - Elliott Wave Forecasting Services

Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update 2024

Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update 2024

Stock Market Crash Inevitable

Highlights 2024

  • Stock Market Crash Inevitable
  • Tail Risks: Interest Rates Remaining Higher-for-Longer
  • Treasury Debt Issuance over $2 Trillion
  • Commercial Real Estate Refinancing at $929bn in 2024
  • Yield Curve Inversion into 22nd Month Indicating Recession
  • Insider Selling Hits 3-Year High –2022’s Downward Expanding Flat Correction Incomplete with Final Sequence about to Begin
  • S&P 500, Dow Jones, Value Line, Russell 2000, all expected to Crash -40%
  • Technology and AI Hit Worst
  • Nasdaq 100 -50%
  • Big-Tech Leads Panic Unwinding for Amazon, Alphabet/Google, Apple, Meta/Facebook, Microsoft, Nvidia
  • Bank Stocks also Hit Hard
  • Europe’s Major Indices Completing Major Highs Ahead of Collapse
  • Stoxx Europe Mid-Cap 200 and Small-Cap 200 Underperforming During 2023/24 Rally Confirming Secondary Peaks Below 2021 Highs
  • MSCI Europe unfolding into classic Expanding Flat Correction from 2021 Highs -40%
  • MSCI Emerging Market index -45%
  • MSCI China -55%
  • BRICS Decline -30% to -40%
  • India -30%
  • Far East -45%
  • Australia ASX-200 -30%
  • Japan -40%
  • Stock Indices – Main Theme

    When stock indices overcame the pandemic sell-off with as sharp v-shaped recovery ending into the Nov.’21/Jan.’22 highs, it confirmed the final sequence of the secular-bull market from the financial-crisis lows had begun.

    Ordinarily, we’d expect to see this 5th wave unfold into a five wave expanding-impulse pattern but so many indices ran higher into a-b-c zig zags to those Nov.’21/Jan.’22 highs. This was confirming the 5th wave advance from the March 2020 low was taking the form of a five wave diagonal-impulse instead.

    Stock Indices – Change is coming!

    That doesn’t sound like much of a change – but it is, it does! It’s the difference between getting caught-up in the AI frenzy or taking a dose of reality and stepping aside for more lucrative investment entry points later. The diagonal-impulse patterns unfolding in the major indices, like the S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq 100, even those in Europe like the Xetra Dax completed their 1st waves into those Nov.’21/Jan.’22 highs although 2022’s declines were certainly not deep enough to qualify the completion of 2nd wave corrections.

    Far deeper corrections are necessary to ensure the boundary lines of the diagonal are correctly proportional to this wedge-shaped pattern. The 2nd waves are actually unfolding into a-b-c expanding flat patterns where 2022’s initial declines were wave a. And of course, wave b’s required attempt to new highs are exactly where prices are trading now.

    Beware of the AI Frenzy!

    The AI technology frenzy has helped to exaggerate the b wave advances from those 2022 lows whilst underperforming indices like the small-cap Russell 2000 and the small/mid-cap indices traded in Europe are lagging behind, unable to break above those Nov.’21/Jan.’22 highs, setting-up bearish divergences – that in itself is big warning!

    Stock Indices – Elliott Wave Conclusion

    But that means wave c is about to crash lower into a five wave impulse. And that translates into downside acceleration during the next 9-12 months. And proportional fib-price-ratio measurements depict declines of -40% ahead.

    U.S. Stock Indices Outlook

    Right now, U.S. indices are still in the midst of counter-trend 2nd wave corrective downswings that began from the Nov.’21/Jan.’22 highs. The outperforming indices, such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones (DJIA), and Nasdaq 100, are unfolding into a-b-c expanding flat patterns, with wave b currently trading to new higher-highs. However, these indices are about to roll over, creating potential risks of -40% to -50% declines in the next 9-12 month period.

    On the other hand, the underperforming indices, like the small-cap Russell 2000 and Nasdaq Next-Generation 100 index, are seeing corrections unfold into zig zags or double zig zags. This sets up classic bearish divergence, signaling wave c declines ahead.

    Don’t let yourself be caught off guard by these market trends. Stay informed and ahead of the game with WaveTrack’s Stock Indices video. Our expert analysis and insights will help you navigate the market with confidence and make informed trading decisions.

    Subscribe today to gain access to this valuable resource and take your stock trading to the next level. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and maximize your trading success.

    Most sincerely,

    Peter Goodburn
    Founder and Chief Elliott Wave Analyst
    WaveTrack International

    Contents Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update 2024

    Charts: 92 | Video: 2 hours 2 mins.

  • US Government Debt Maturity, Treasury Debt, CRE Financing…
  • S&P 500
  • Dow Jones 30
  • Russell 2000
  • Value Line
  • Nasdaq 100
  • Nasdaq NextGen 100
  • Magnificent 7 Stocks
  • FANG+
  • Amazon
  • Google/Alphabet
  • Apple Inc.
  • Facebook/Metaverse
  • Microsoft
  • KBW Banking Index
  • KRE Regonal Banking
  • XLF Financial
  • SOX Semiconductor
  • NASDAQ Biotech
  • XLV Health Care
  • XLY Consumer Discretionary
  • XLP Consumer Staples
  • DJ Transportation Average
  • XAR Aerospace and Defence
  • EuroStoxx
  • Xetra Dax
  • FTSE-100
  • EuroStock Mid 200 Index
  • EuroStock Small 200 Index
  • EuroStock Banks
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Commerzbank
  • MSCI Emerging Market
  • MSCI China
  • Hang Seng
  • Shanghai Composite
  • Bovespa
  • Russia RTS
  • Nifty 50
  • Tel Aviv 125
  • Tasi
  • Singapore Straits
  • Taiwan SE Weighted
  • ASX 200
  • Nikkei 225

    Single Video – *$49.00 – PART I Stock Index Mid-Year Video Uptrend 2024 (June ’24) or send us an email to services@wavetrack.com
    Triple Package offer – *$99.00 (saving 33%)! – PART I – PART II – PART III (June – August ’24)

  • Each video runs for at least 1 hour 30 minutes and it’s packed with SPECIFIC Elliott Wave price-forecasts. The Stock Index Video is already 2 hours 2 mins. long!.
  • *(additional VAT may be added depending on your country – currently US, Canada, Asia have no added VAT but most European countries do)

  • BONUS! The Stock Index Mid-Year Video Update 2024 contains 92 charts already. illustrated in the VIDEOS will be created into a .pdf document/report and sent to you so that you can always keep these to refer to!
  • PARTS II & III will be available in a few weeks’ time – we’re working on it!

    HOW CAN YOU RECEIVE THE VIDEO FORECAST within the Europeean Union?

    – If you are a EU client contact us under services@wavetrack.com so that we can issue you a quote with added VAT! Sorry for the extra step but it is European tax law. Thank you for your understanding!
    Alternatively, if you like to pay via credit card, we are very happy to send you a credit card payment link – contact us via email to services@wavetrack.com/

    *(additional VAT may be added depending on your country of residence. Currently, the US, Canada, Asia have no added VAT except EU countries)

    To receive your VIDEO UPDATE please use this instant PayPal payment link for US, UK, Australian and international customers click here.

    – Or opt for the TRIPLE PACKAGE for USD *99.00 in total?
    – As soon as we receive payment either via the instant PayPal payment link or via the credit card link we provide you with the video link & PDF report once payment is confirmed. Please know the reply can take up to 6 hours. But rest assured we will give our best to provide you with the information as soon as possible!

    We’re sure you’ll reap the benefits – don’t forget to contact us with any Elliott Wave questions – Peter is always keen to hear your views, queries, and comments.

    Visit us @ www.wavetrack.com


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    WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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