WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting


by m.tamosauskas| June 30, 2015 | 3 Comments


Dear Elliott Wave Enthusiast!

We’ve just completed recording PART II of our semi-annual video series of Elliott Wave price forecasts. Part I focused on the trends  of global STOCK MARKETS, how they’ve been developing during the last 6-month period, and how they are expected to continue during the remaining part of this year and beyond. In PART II, we now turn our attention to three other asset classes, COMMODITIES, CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES.We’re pleased to announce this next installment, PART II is ready and waiting for your keenest attention – NOW!

This is our regular 6-month update of Global Markets and it’s a completely FREE addition to your current subscription of the Elliott Wave Compass report. Peter Goodburn, who heads the team of Elliott Wave analysts here at WaveTrack International is again our host as he leads us through some of the major themes and trends developing in these three important asset classes.

Peter’s in a unique positon to help guide us through the next stages of what is expected to be another major shift in trends, and if nothing else, blow the lid on some market misconceptions! After all, he knows a thing or two about the commodity markets – he was trading in the dealing rooms during the late 1970’s when the Hunt brother’s attempted to corner the world silver market –and at a later date in his career, trading currencies for some of the world’s major central banks – and during the early part of the 2000’s, advising major European T-1 & T-2 banks on directional interest rate movements. These in-depth experiences in different asset classes led Peter to devise cross-relationship analysis of what he describes as ‘market interdependency’ – no asset class is isolated from the tides and rhythms of monetary asset flows – and to gauge how each develops, an examination of positive/negative correlations is an essential element in that assessment process.

This is good reason to bundle these next three areas of finance together COMMODITIES, CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES.

And there’s no better way to examine these correlations than allowing them to ‘speak’ to us through the deterministic methodology of the Elliott Wave Principle!

After completing the recording of this latest video, Peter explained, “…even after 30-years of practicing the Elliott Wave Principle, I still find it humbling when patterns jump out at you, to reveal their ‘hidden’ future, of what is to come. I’ve looked at length into many other systems of analysis over this time, from the downright quirky to the more esoteric of methodologies, but none have exhibited the same sublime simplicity and accuracy that the Elliott Wave Principle reveals…”.

This latest video of COMMODITIES, CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES includes our most comprehensive study of the commodity markets and related equites that we’ve ever published in video format. It’s much longer than we’d originally intended but Peter insisted on making sure you had everything that he thought was critical to the next stage of the up-coming ‘INFLATION-POP’ scenario. The video lasts for 115 minutes, yes, that’s nearly 2-hours! It’s a marathon, but a necessary step in understanding the next major moves for the next few years (don’t worry, you can stop/pause or fast-forward if you like! – just sit back & enjoy!).

To view the video, ensure your Elliott Wave Compass subscription is up-to-date – simply log-in then follow these instructions:

PART I & II. of WaveTrack semi-annual video series can be watched immediately, by logging into the EW-Compass software and clicking on the text-link provided within the SUMMARY window.

All the very best to you,

The Elliott Wave Analysis Team

Elliott Wave pattern of the month (Xetra Dax 30)

by m.tamosauskas| June 29, 2015 | 3 Comments

Success! Elliott Wave Pattern for the XETRA DAX

Success! Elliott Wave Pattern for the XETRA DAX

This month, the German Xetra Dax is in the spotlight. From its mid-March high of 12219.05, it was engaged in an expanding flat sequence. Although this is one of the patterns we encounter very often, it nevertheless is always again fascinating to behold! Comprised of a 3-3-5 structure, the expanding flat is characterised by an expanding bias – this means that each following price swing exceeds the price extreme set by the preceding one.


In the case of the Dax index, the initial decline into the 11619.72 low was labelled (minute) wave a of the sequence. It was followed by wave b rallies that exceeded the point of departure of wave a and traded into ‘uncharted’ territory. Wave c however proved to be the most interesting wave – first, it declined in an impulse-like fashion (c-waves of flats have to unfold into impulsive structures) but then engaged into a more overlapping type of price activity. This was early spotted by our analysts who described wave c as unfolding into an ending expanding-diagonal.


Originally, downside objectives were measured basis the substructure of the diagonal’s 5th wave – downside extension of the Dax however led us to apply a fib. 161.8% extension of wave a of the flat. This is typically the maximum we expect wave c to travel – and indeed, also in this case the Dax reversed close to this downside target (shown by the dotted line) and has since staged a reversal signature that has corroborated additional upside in the weeks ahead, regardless the Greek circus.


by m.tamosauskas| June 27, 2015 | No Comments


A long awaited semi-annual video repot PART II ‘COMMODITIES, CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES’ is finished! The commodity section has been expanded and our analysis continues to grow from your demand – there are 60 individual charts in this report. The next stage of ‘Inflation-Pop’ is set to begin soon. Some laggard commodities are still attempting to finalise their multi-year, counter-trend declines with sector synchronizing into the July/August period. Composite cycles have already turned higher with an uptrend trajectory for the next several years into the end of the decade. Some outstanding opportunities lies ahead with multiple upside potential. We will upload the video early next week and make it available for our subscribers. Broaden your horizon in financial markets, learn our fib-price-ratio methodology and get ready for some crazy price developments!

Gold – Silver Ratio (Elliott Wave Update)

by WaveTrack International| June 23, 2015 | No Comments


The advance that began from the mid-May ’15 low of 69.09 is taking the form of a five wave expanding-impulse pattern, labelled [i]-[ii]-[iii]-[iv]-[v] in minuette degree. The ratio might be already completed its advance into the recent high of 74.52, although a higher high is still possible. Despite this however, the pattern development looks very mature and soon we do expect a balancing phase to begin with downside objectives measured towards 71.75-71.15+/-. This means that the gold – silver relationship will change – silver is expected to outperform relative to gold for the next few weeks.

It’s not over until it’s over (S&P 500 Elliott Wave update)

by m.tamosauskas| June 10, 2015 | No Comments


The decline during the last weeks extended to a low of 2072.14 on Tuesday, but there is a high probability for the S&P to begin another round of advances from current levels and Wednesday’s price action so far has confirmed this idea. The reasoning behind it is twofold – first, critical support at 2067.93 has been approached but not broken. This is typical for a 2nd wave (in a contracting diagonal, too) as price action scares out many investors before the larger 3rd wave begins. Second, European benchmark indices like the Eurostoxx 50 and Xetra Dax have traded into their idealised support target areas. This points to a possible conclusion for these indices and therefore reinforces the near-term bullishness for the S&P. Note that the 2067.93 level also serves as an important cut-off point to differentiate between two types of pattern – a break below there would significantly increase the likelihood that minuette wave [b] has not ended yet but is unfolding into an expanding flat sequence.

Interested in longer-term Elliott Wave forecasts? Simply subscribe to the EW-Compass report to get even more – we just released our mid-year STOCK INDICES VIDEO!

The Twilight Zone for Stock Indices (Secular-Bear vs. Secular-Bull)

by m.tamosauskas| June 5, 2015 | 2 Comments


~ STOCK_VID_WaveTrack_twiilightzone

Dear Elliott Wave Enthusiast!

It’s time to update you on many of the amazing developments that have occurred this year in GLOBAL STOCK MARKETS.

We’ve begun to compile many of the medium/long-term Elliott Wave counts from the institutional EW-Forecast database to create two 70-90 minute videos – PART I is updating trends for global STOCK INDICES, PART II for COMMODITIES, CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES.

We’re pleased to announce this next installment, PART I, STOCK INDICES is available, NOW!

Global Stock markets have entered the ‘Twilight Zone’! Remember the TV series of the early 1960’s & ‘80’s? The twilight zone is an anthology series depicting strange, weird fantasy themes of science fiction but always with an unexpected twist at the end. Its purpose was to take you to an ‘in-between’ place of existence, a place where natural laws are held in suspension, to illustrate what is perhaps possible before time rolls ever forward.

Well, such a time exists right now – GLOBAL STOCK MARKETS have entered the TWILIGHT ZONE where it is shown what has existed, what is existing and the different possibilities it has for the FUTURE! Intuitively, we all feel like that at least once in our lives, entering a point of decision-making that sets the course for the next phase of our lives – well, stock markets will also have to make that same decision – and NOW!

There’s no shortage of opinion on analyst forecasts – many secular-bears (mainstream Elliott Wave included) hold to the idea that a major SECULAR-BEAR downtrend is about to begin whilst the flip-side of this is really coming from major institutional analysts, the perennial-bulls maintaining the SECULAR-BULL uptrend theme. But the big question is this – how to differentiate these views into a realistic approach for us to trust in?

The first and foremost thing is to remove pre-conception from any analysis – take away those obstacles that prevent us from seeing clearly – try to remain objective – that’s a good beginning, but not enough to gain a glimpse into the future. But in our latest video series, we’ll be using WaveTrack International’s unique proprietary methods of geometric Fibonacci-Price-Ratio matrices to cut through the illusionary aspects of Elliott Wave and allow it to show its true course and direction.

After all, that’s exactly what we did over 6-years ago! – original S&P upside forecasts published October 2009 and updated in July 2012 forecast levels higher by +87% – those numbers are now being tested!

In this latest 6-month video update of GLOBAL STOCK INDICES, you’ll discover:

  • how the original forecasts were constructed and what they mean for today’s levels
  • why the current period forms a ‘Price & Time’ continuum – the ‘TWILIGHT ZONE’
  • how to differentiate between a SECULAR-BEAR and a SECULAR-BULL
This next phase of WaveTrack’s ‘Inflation-Pop’ is set to begin for other asset classes, but in this video, you will discover some amazing price-forecasts for U.S., European and Asian stock markets – how they interact and what price levels we can expect to see during the next year and beyond! This video is a ‘must see’ in terms of Elliott Wave because it will slice through mainstream misconceptions and give you a precise guide for what to expect during the next few years – let our Track Record speak for itself!

Simply subscribe to the EW-Compass report to get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the STOCK INDICES VIDEO!

P.S. PART II – Commodities, Currencies & Interest Rates will be published next month! (we’re working on it!)

Aussie $ / New Zealand $ (Elliott Wave Update)

by m.tamosauskas| June 2, 2015 | No Comments

Back in October ’14 we advocated that Aussie$ / New Zealand$ is about to begin the final sell-off within a larger decline that began from the March ’11 high of 1.3800. This downswing was expected to unfold into a five wave expanding-impulse pattern, labelled 1-2-3-4-5 in primary degree with ultimate downside objectives measured towards 1.0247-0162:


The downside targets were measured by using a fib. 61.8% correlation ratio between the net decline of waves 1 to 3 and wave 5. This is our common Elliott Wave fib-price-ratio for expanding-impulse patterns. Without it, it would be difficult to measure such an accurate support level, which after some months, turns out to be the exact outcome:


Prices responded precisely with a recorded low at 1.0020 in April ’15 and the following price rejection to the upside suggests a multi-year decline has completed into this low!

Elliott Wave pattern of the month (US$ Index)

by m.tamosauskas| May 22, 2015 | No Comments

Pattern of the Month

US-Dollar Index

This month, we monitored a rare pattern that was described by R. N. Elliott himself in 1946. It is a variation of the standard flat sequence that is characterised by a 3-3-5 subdivision of its three price swings. The important difference to a ‘standard’ horizontal flat is that the ‘b’ wave of the pattern falls short of the beginning of the ‘a’ wave but the ‘c’ wave exceeds the beginning of wave ‘b’. This produces a ‘slanting’ appearance.


We spotted this pattern in the US$ index as it declined from its March high of 100.39 into a low of 96.17 in a three wave manner. This was followed by a three price swing advance to 99.99. For an Elliott Wave practitioner, this would have implied a double zig zag decline from 100.39 but the accelerative decline from 99.99 clearly showed the characteristics of a five wave impulse sequence. Therefore, the ‘slanting flat’ was adopted in our 6th of May issue that showed an idealised completion level to 93.65 based off a fib. 61.8% extension of the initial three price-swing decline to 96.17.


During the last several trading days, this target was approached and the US$ began a multi-day reversal. Although it dipped slightly lower, this was still in line with the larger outlook – the entire downswing from 100.39 pinpointed the area of ‘4th preceding’ at 9325+/-, an important retracement level for impulse waves. Now, the US$ index has verified the reversal and is poised for continued upside in the weeks ahead.

Would you sell it here? (Toyota Motor Corp. Elliott Wave analysis)

by m.tamosauskas| May 14, 2015 | No Comments

Last year we were asking “Would you buy it here?”: http://blog.wavetrack.com/toyota-motor-corp-elliott-wave-analysis/. Soon enough, Toyota Motor Corp. staged an upside reversal signature and the following advance unfolded into a five wave expanding-impulse pattern with completion into the Oct.’14 high of 6559. Remember the triple fib-price-ratio resistance level near 6550? This was almost the exact level there prices stopped advancing and began the 2nd wave balancing process:


The second wave ended near the fib. 61.8% retracement level setting up the stage for an accelerative wave 3 to begin. The gapping-up price development confirmed this forecast. Today the entire five wave sequence in minor degree is shown has completed into the recent high of 8783:


Again, it was easy to forecast basis two converging fib-price-ratio measurements that provided a strong resistance. Now we asking another question: “Would you sell it here?”.  Our Elliott Wave analysis suggests the risk is huge for a larger decline beginning very soon.

Lonmin PLC begins its final stage of a multi-year bear market

by m.tamosauskas| May 10, 2015 | 1 Comment

Lonmin, the third-largest platinum miner by output, is struggling with its business since precious metals remain in their bear markets. Platinum is at its lowest price in almost six years. Investments cuts, workface layoffs and strikes become a new normal in this sector. However, one should keep in mind that precious metals are in their final bear-market phase and looking further ahead, our ‘inflation-pop’ scenario should dramatically change the situation in a mining sector. The Lonmin is expected to stage a final sell-off during the next few months prior to beginning the new bull market. Basis Elliott Wave analysis, the advance that began from the March ’15 low of 105.70 unfolded into a single zig zag pattern, labelled a.-b.-c. in minor degree with a completion into the recent high of 157.50. Note a fib. 61.8%/38.2% ratio within a single zig zag pattern. The recent spike and an immediate reversal to the downside suggest the final sell-off has already begun from the 157.50 high:

Lonmin PLC_150510a

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About WTI

WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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