WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

Commodities Mid-Year Video Update! Part II/III

by WaveTrack International| July 26, 2024 | No Comments

Commodities Mid-Year Video Update 2024

Commodities Mid-Year Video Update 2024!

We’re pleased to announce the publication of WaveTrack’s Mid-Year Triple Video Update 2024 of medium-term ELLIOTT WAVE price-forecasts. Today’s release is PART II, COMMODITIES – Part I was released last month and Part III will be published in late-July / beginning of August 2024…


Commodities Forecast Highlights 2024 and beyond!

  • Commodities Headwinds
  • Higher Interest Rates for Longer
  • Recession Risks basis Yield-Curve Inversion
  • China Property Strangulation Curbs Demand
  • Commodities Tailwinds
  • Declining US$ Dollar Triggered by U.S. Economic Downturn, Commodities Valuations relative to Stock Indices remain at Historical Lows
  • Commodity Inflation-Pop (IP) from Financial-Crisis Low remains in Upside Progress with Peak due 2027-2028
  • Within this IP Cycle, Downward Correction in Base Metals and Energy from 2022 Highs set to Continue for Remainder of 2024, Q’1 2025
  • Agriculture & Baltic dry Index Lower
  • Copper Collapse despite bullish Long-Term Fundamentals
  • Aluminium, Lead, Zinc, Tin & Nickel all Lower
  • Metal Miners Sharply Lower with few Exceptions
  • Iron Ore has Limited Downside
  • Uranium undergoes Deep Correction
  • Rare Earth Bottoming
  • Precious Metals remain in Bullish Uptrend although Risk of Correction
  • Gold Dip -9% ahead of Resuming Higher
  • Silver Correction although in Sideways Activity for Several Months
  • Mixed Outlook for PGM’s
  • Precious Metals Miners engaged in Short-Term Correction within Bull Market Uptrend
  • Energy to Succumb to a U.S. Economic Downturn
  • Crude Oil continues Corrective Decline from March ’22 high towards $50.00+/- with Brent Oil targeting $54.00+/- RBOB Gasoline Declines by -40% – Nat Gas -55% – European TTF Gas -65% – XLE and XOP down -33%.
  • Commodities Mid-Year Video Content

    Are you ready to dive into the world of the Inflation-Pop cycle and the impact it has on commodity prices? The Financial Crisis may have been the catalyst, but the effects are still being felt today, with prices soaring and economies feeling the pressure.

    The Past

    Over the past fifteen years, we have seen incredible gains in commodity prices, spreading from risk-assets to stocks and beyond. Inflation has seeped into the global economy, affecting everything from food prices to job wages. Central banks have been forced to respond, with interest rates on the rise and quantitative tightening being reversed.

    But is it too little, too late? The European Central Bank has already made moves to combat lower CPI, while the U.S. Federal Reserve is holding steady with high interest rates. With a record amount of commercial real estate up for refinancing this year, the potential for a banking crisis looms large.

    Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell is sounding the alarm, warning of a possible economic downturn if rate cuts are not made soon. And with China facing its own property crisis, the ripple effects on commodity prices could be significant.

    The possible Future?

    Elliott Wave analysis suggests that Base Metals and Energy will continue to trend lower over the next year, while precious metals like gold and silver remain in bull markets. Even precious metal miners are expected to see corrections before resuming their upward trajectory.

    Don’t miss out on this critical juncture in the market. Stay informed, stay ahead, and be ready for whatever the future holds in this ever-changing economic landscape. The Inflation-Pop cycle is far from over – are you prepared for what comes next?

    Commodities Video Outlook 2024

    With this new Commodities video you will review over 85 individual commodity contracts and Fibonacci Price Ratios within three main sub-sectors, Base Metals, Precious Metals, Precious and Base Metal Miners and Energy.

    Don’t miss your chance to access this premium content, meticulously crafted to empower traders like you. Join us as we unveil the latest trends, strategies, and market analyses that will shape your success in the dynamic world of commodities.


    Peter Goodburn & EW-team

    Commodities Mid-Year Video Update 2024 Part II/III

    Contents: 85 charts
    Time: 2 hours 12 mins.

    • FED, Yield Curve, Inflation charts…
    • US 10yr Yield Cycle
    • China’s Property Crisis
    • US Dollar index + Cycles
    • CRB-Cash index + Cycles
    • Food and Agriculture Index
    • DB PowerShares Agriculture Fund
    • Baltic Dry Index
    • Copper
    • Aluminium
    • Lead
    • Zinc
    • Nickel
    • Tin
    • XME Metals & Mining Index
    • BHP-Billiton
    • Freeport McMoran
    • Antofagasta
    • Anglo American
    • Glencore
    • Rio Tinto
    • Vale
    • Iron Ore
    • Uranium
    • Rare Earths
    • Gold
    • Gold-Silver Ratio
    • Silver
    • Platinum/Silver Ratio
    • Platinum
    • Palladium/Gold Ratio
    • Palladium/Platinum Ratio
    • Palladium
    • GDX Gold Miners Index
    • Newmont Mining
    • Amer Barrick Gold
    • Agnico Eagle Mines
    • AngloGold Ashanti
    • XAU Gold/Silver Index
    • Crude Oil
    • Brent Oil
    • Gasoline RBOB
    • Natural Gas
    • TTF Natural Gas
    • XLE Energy SPDR
    • XOP Oil and Gas Index


    1. Single Commodities Video! Simply click on this PayPal payment link for the Commodities Mid-Year Video Update 2024 for USD 49.00 (for non-EU clients). Please note that it can take up to 6 hours until you receive this video.
    2. Triple Package offer – *$99.00 (saving 33%)! – PART I – PART II – PART III (June – August ’24)

    3. Additionally, we now offer as well payment via credit card payment link – For the credit card payment option please Contact us @ services@wavetrack.com and state if you like to purchase the Commodities Single video for USD 49.00 + VAT* or the Triple Video for USD 99.00 +VAT*?. Thank you.

    HOW CAN YOU RECEIVE THE VIDEO FORECAST within the European Union?

    – If you are a EU client contact us under services@wavetrack.com so that we can issue you a quote with added VAT! Sorry for the extra step but it is European tax law. Thank you for your understanding!
    Alternatively, if you like to pay via credit card, we are very happy to send you a credit card payment link – contact us via email to services@wavetrack.com/

    *(additional VAT may be added depending on your country of residence. Currently, the US, Canada, Asia have no added VAT except EU countries)

    To receive your VIDEO UPDATE please use this instant PayPal payment link for US, UK, Australian and international customers click here.

    – Or opt for the TRIPLE PACKAGE for USD *99.00 in total?
    – As soon as we receive payment either via the instant PayPal payment link or via the credit card link we provide you with the video link & PDF report once payment is confirmed. Please know the reply can take up to 6 hours. But rest assured we will give our best to provide you with the information as soon as possible!

    Then Final PART III for Currencies and Interest Rates will be available in a few weeks’ time – we’re working on it!

    We’re sure you’ll reap the benefits. Don’t forget to contact us with any Elliott Wave questions. Our EW-team is always keen to hear your views, queries, and comments.

    Visit us @ www.wavetrack.com


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    WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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