WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

EURO vs. USD – Success Pattern of the Month

A very impressive pattern sequence that we identified this month is shown for the Euro/US$ (published in WaveTrack’s Elliott Wave Compass report). By mid-October, the Euro had already advanced more than three cents from its late-September low and was threatening the mid-September high of 1.1461. Conventional technical analysis at this point might have implied the […]Continue reading «EURO vs. USD – Success Pattern of the Month»

Elliott Wave pattern of the month (US$ Index)

This month, we monitored a rare pattern that was described by R. N. Elliott himself in 1946. It is a variation of the standard flat sequence that is characterised by a 3-3-5 subdivision of its three price swings. The important difference to a ‘standard’ horizontal flat is that the ‘b’ wave of the pattern falls […]Continue reading «Elliott Wave pattern of the month (US$ Index)»

S&P 500 – Join the ‘Being There’ moment in Financial History!

Have you wondered what direction the S&P is unfolding into lately? Since the late-March low formed at 2045.50, the index has traded to new record highs but it’s not been a straightforward advance – quite the contrary in fact! ‘Volatility’ seems to be a more accurate description of its upward progress as each advance is […]Continue reading «S&P 500 – Join the ‘Being There’ moment in Financial History!»

A huge test for EUR/USD is coming fast!

Syriza wins Greek election and EUR/USD tumbles down in the fastest pace since the July ’08 high of 1.6040. However, a seven-year decline is clearly overlapping and every Elliott Wave enthusiast should notice that it is composed of seven price-swings – a common characteristic of a counter-trend sequence. A fib-price-ratio analysis suggests a real test […]Continue reading «A huge test for EUR/USD is coming fast!»

Preparing for a year-end video update!

The year-end is knocking on the door and we are preparing our annual video update of medium/long-term Elliott Wave forecasts for institutional clients and EW-Compass subscribers. Publication release is scheduled over the New Year. We can promise a few surprises this year with some new medium/long-term counts introduced that we haven’t shown in the past. […]Continue reading «Preparing for a year-end video update!»

EUR/USD – the low is still to come (Elliott Wave analysis)

The decline that began from the January ’13 high of 1.3711 is expected to unfold into an expanding flat pattern, labelled a-b-c in minute degree. A slight adjustments were made from our original forecast dated 05/09/14: The decline from the May ’14 high of 1.3993 must unfold into a five wave sequence that is not […]Continue reading «EUR/USD – the low is still to come (Elliott Wave analysis)»

Hungarian Forint Elliott Wave analysis

Questions from our Elliott Wave Compass subscribers form an important part of our relationship at WaveTrack International, and this is especially true when we’re asked for a ‘helping-hand’ in analysing a contract that is not so often featuring in mainstream news. In this update, we are challenged into applying the Elliott Wave Principle (EWP) to […]Continue reading «Hungarian Forint Elliott Wave analysis»

EUR / US$ – bottom?

In our latest EW-Compass report published last Friday for our subscribers we noted: ‘Minor wave x. is a correction to the 1.2042-1.3711 advance that unfolded as a single zig zag. Wave x. began from 1.3711 and is shown unfolding into a double zig zag sequence, subdividing into minute degree, a-b-c-x-a-b-c. The first zig zag already […]Continue reading «EUR / US$ – bottom?»

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About WTI

WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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