WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

The power of correlation studies (Elliott Wave analysis)

We place a lot of emphasis to comparison studies of correlated asset classes. Each has its own rhythm, vibration frequency and although the exercise is to pair off or group differing ones into positive or negative correlations, the real insights gained are from examining their subtle differences and finding out what their common denominators are […]Continue reading «The power of correlation studies (Elliott Wave analysis)»


Dear Elliott Wave Enthusiast! We’ve just completed recording PART II of our semi-annual video series of Elliott Wave price forecasts. Part I focused on the trends  of global STOCK MARKETS, how they’ve been developing during the last 6-month period, and how they are expected to continue during the remaining part of this year and beyond. […]Continue reading «MID-YEAR (2015) ELLIOTT WAVE VIDEO UPDATE of GLOBAL MARKETS »

Elliott Wave pattern of the month (Xetra Dax 30)

This month, the German Xetra Dax is in the spotlight. From its mid-March high of 12219.05, it was engaged in an expanding flat sequence. Although this is one of the patterns we encounter very often, it nevertheless is always again fascinating to behold! Comprised of a 3-3-5 structure, the expanding flat is characterised by an […]Continue reading «Elliott Wave pattern of the month (Xetra Dax 30)»


A long awaited semi-annual video repot PART II ‘COMMODITIES, CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES’ is finished! The commodity section has been expanded and our analysis continues to grow from your demand – there are 60 individual charts in this report. The next stage of ‘Inflation-Pop’ is set to begin soon. Some laggard commodities are still attempting […]Continue reading «PART II ‘COMMODITIES, CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES’ »

Gold – Silver Ratio (Elliott Wave Update)

The advance that began from the mid-May ’15 low of 69.09 is taking the form of a five wave expanding-impulse pattern, labelled [i]-[ii]-[iii]-[iv]-[v] in minuette degree. The ratio might be already completed its advance into the recent high of 74.52, although a higher high is still possible. Despite this however, the pattern development looks very […]Continue reading «Gold – Silver Ratio (Elliott Wave Update)»

It’s not over until it’s over (S&P 500 Elliott Wave update)

The decline during the last weeks extended to a low of 2072.14 on Tuesday, but there is a high probability for the S&P to begin another round of advances from current levels and Wednesday’s price action so far has confirmed this idea. The reasoning behind it is twofold – first, critical support at 2067.93 has […]Continue reading «It’s not over until it’s over (S&P 500 Elliott Wave update)»

The Twilight Zone for Stock Indices (Secular-Bear vs. Secular-Bull)

MID-YEAR (2015) ELLIOTT WAVE VIDEO UPDATE of GLOBAL MARKETS Dear Elliott Wave Enthusiast! It’s time to update you on many of the amazing developments that have occurred this year in GLOBAL STOCK MARKETS. We’ve begun to compile many of the medium/long-term Elliott Wave counts from the institutional EW-Forecast database to create two 70-90 minute videos […]Continue reading «The Twilight Zone for Stock Indices (Secular-Bear vs. Secular-Bull)»

Aussie $ / New Zealand $ (Elliott Wave Update)

Back in October ’14 we advocated that Aussie$ / New Zealand$ is about to begin the final sell-off within a larger decline that began from the March ’11 high of 1.3800. This downswing was expected to unfold into a five wave expanding-impulse pattern, labelled 1-2-3-4-5 in primary degree with ultimate downside objectives measured towards 1.0247-0162: […]Continue reading «Aussie $ / New Zealand $ (Elliott Wave Update)»

Elliott Wave pattern of the month (US$ Index)

This month, we monitored a rare pattern that was described by R. N. Elliott himself in 1946. It is a variation of the standard flat sequence that is characterised by a 3-3-5 subdivision of its three price swings. The important difference to a ‘standard’ horizontal flat is that the ‘b’ wave of the pattern falls […]Continue reading «Elliott Wave pattern of the month (US$ Index)»

Would you sell it here? (Toyota Motor Corp. Elliott Wave analysis)

Last year we were asking “Would you buy it here?”: http://blog.wavetrack.com/toyota-motor-corp-elliott-wave-analysis/. Soon enough, Toyota Motor Corp. staged an upside reversal signature and the following advance unfolded into a five wave expanding-impulse pattern with completion into the Oct.’14 high of 6559. Remember the triple fib-price-ratio resistance level near 6550? This was almost the exact level there […]Continue reading «Would you sell it here? (Toyota Motor Corp. Elliott Wave analysis)»

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About WTI

WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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