WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

Stock Indices Video Outlook 2023

by WaveTrack International| December 28, 2022 | No Comments

Stock Indices Video Outlook 2023  2022’s CORRECTION RESUMES IN 2023!! www.wavetrack.com

Stock Indices Video Outlook 2023



  • 2022’s Correction far from Over
  • Another -28% to -30% Decline Ahead Following Dow Jones’ Rally of +22% in October-December Upswing
  • No Definable Underperformance in 2023
  • S&P 500 same as Nasdaq 100
  • Small-Cap Biotechnology to Outperform as a Sector
  • Recession Sharp and Deep – Major Lows by Q2 2023
  • European Indices -30% in 2023
  • No Hiding Place for Banking Sector
  • Asian Indices Down but Mainland China to Outperform
  • Emerging Markets Down
  • Further Out, Bull Market Returns
  • Record Highs for 2024
  • 2022’s CORRECTION RESUMES IN 2023!!

    This exact time last year (December 2021), Elliott Wave analysis identified the end of 1st waves within post-pandemic five wave uptrends, the final bull market of the greater secular-bull uptrend that originated back to the financial-crisis lows. A deep 2nd wave correction was forecast for 2022, predicting decline of between minus -30% to -40% per cent.

    At the same time, 70% per cent of mainstream investment brokers and analysts were telling their clients the benchmark indices would rise in 2022 between 5% to 15% per cent. So how did we do? It turns out that the benchmark S&P 500 declined from its Jan.’22 high into October’s low by minus -28% per cent and the Nasdaq 100 from its Nov.’21 high by minus -38% per cent! Lucky guess? – absolutely not, but down to the application of what R.N. Elliott described by applying the principle of ‘Nature’s Law’ – action/reaction as a Universal Principle. So what can we expect in the coming year, for 2023?

    Double-Digit Inflation

    Rising inflationary pressures continued to dominated financial markets during 2022 with U.S. headline acceleration peaking into a mid-year high of 9.1% whilst elsewhere, in Europe, peaking at 10.6% in October.

    Geopolitical tensions are triggering high energy costs. While supply-side disruptions are also distorting consumer prices. The end result is that almost half of countries worldwide are seeing double-digit inflation rates or higher – see fig #1 (courtesy of elements.visualcapitalist.com).

    Stock Indices Video Outlook 2023 - Fig #1 - Double-Digit Inflation - Source:  by courtesy of elements.visualcapitalist.com

    Fig #1 – Double-Digit Inflation – Source: by courtesy of elements.visualcapitalist.com

    With new macroeconomic forces shaping the global economy, the infographic shows countries with the highest inflation rates (using data from Trading Economics). As the table below shows, countless countries are navigating record-high levels of inflation. Some are even facing triple-digit inflation rates. Globally, Zimbabwe, Lebanon, and Venezuela have the highest rates in the world.

    As price pressures mount, 33 central banks tracked by the Bank of International Settlements (out of a total of 38) have raised interest rates this year. These coordinated rate hikes are the largest in two decades, representing an end to an era of rock-bottom interest rates. Where do we go from here? Find out more in our latest Elliott Wave Stock Indices Video Outlook 2023!

    New Stock Indices Video Outlook 2023 – PART I/III

    This STOCK INDICES Video Outlook 2023 is like nothing you’ve seen anywhere else in the world. It’s unique to WaveTrack International, how we foresee trends developing through the lens of Elliott Wave Principle (EWP) and how its forecasts correlate with Cycles, Sentiment extremes and Economic data trends.

    We invite you to take this next step in our financial journey with us – video subscription details are below – just follow the links and we’ll see you soon!

    Most sincerely,

    Peter Goodburn
    Founder and Chief Elliott Wave Analyst
    WaveTrack International

    Contents Stock Indices Video Outlook 2023

    Charts: 95 | Video: 2 hours 11 mins.

  • Interest Rates + Inflationary Pressures Information
  • S&P 500 + cycle
  • Dow Jones 30 + cycle
  • Russell 2000
  • Nasdaq 100
  • Value vs Growth
  • DJ Transportation Average
  • DJ Utility Index
  • KBW Banking Index
  • XLF Financial
  • XLK Technology
  • FANG+
  • NASDAQ Biotechnology
  • Biotechn Small Cap XBI
  • XLV Health Care
  • SOX Semiconductor
  • XLY Consumer Discretionary
  • XLP Consumer Staples
  • XOP Oil and Gas
  • Eurostoxx 50
  • Xetra Dax 30
  • FTSE-100
  • FTSE-30
  • EuroStock Banks
  • Deutsche Bank
  • UniCredit
  • Commerzbank
  • MSCI Emerging Market
  • MSCI China
  • China Enterprises
  • MSCI Hong Kong
  • Hang Seng
  • Shanghai Composite
  • Bovespa
  • Sensex
  • Nifty 50
  • Tasi
  • Singapore Straits
  • Taiwan SE Weighted
  • All Ordinaries Australia
  • ASX 200
  • Nikkei 225

    Single Video – *$49.00 – PART I Stock Index Video Outlook 2023 (Decmeber ’22) or send us an email to services@wavetrack.com
    Triple Package offer – *$99.00 (saving 33%)! – PART I – PART II – PART III (January – February ’23)

  • Each video runs for at least 1 hour 50 minutes and it’s packed with SPECIFIC Elliott Wave price-forecasts. The Stock Index Video is already 2 hours 11 mins. long!.
  • *(additional VAT may be added depending on your country – currently US, Canada, Asia have no added VAT but most European countries do)

  • BONUS! The Stock Index Video Outlook 2023 contains 95 charts already. illustrated in the VIDEOS will be created into a .pdf document/report and sent to you so that you can always keep these to refer to!
  • PARTS II & III will be available in a few weeks’ time – we’re working on it!


    To receive your VIDEO UPDATE please click here to contact us.
    – Please state if you wish to purchase the SINGLE VIDEO – Stock Index Video Outlook 2023 for USD *49.00 and send us an email to services@wavetrack.com?
    – Or opt for the TRIPLE PACKAGE for USD *99.00 in total?
    – Next we will send you a PayPal payment request and provide you with the video link & PDF report once payment is confirmed. Please know the reply can take up to 6 hours. But rest assured we will give our best to provide you with the information as soon as possible!

    *(additional VAT may be added depending on your country of residence. Currently, the US, Canada, Asia have no added VAT but most European countries do)

    We’re sure you’ll reap the benefits – don’t forget to contact us with any Elliott Wave questions – Peter is always keen to hear your views, queries, and comments.

    Visit us @ www.wavetrack.com


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    About WTI

    WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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