STOCK INDICES VIDEO – 2nd Phase of the ‘INFLATION-POP’ Gets Underway!
by WaveTrack International| December 22, 2016 | No Comments

Elliott Wave Price Forecasts & Cycle Projections for 2017
2nd Phase of the ‘INFLATION-POP’ Gets Underway!
We’re pleased to announce the publication of WaveTrack’s 2017 video update of medium-term forecasts for STOCK INDICES!
Since the inaugural edition of the EW-Compass report, you’ve asked for accompanying medium/long-term analysis in gaining a broader perceptive of Elliott Wave pattern development for many of the world’s major indices. So we’ve taken many charts from our institutional Elliott Wave Forecast database and compiled them into a video series, publishing them twice yearly, each December/January, June/July.
As the demand for more indices grew, so did our task in maintaining them to a sufficient standard – no problem! So now, we’ve set aside sufficient resources to ensure the medium/long-term outlooks are sent to you at key marker dates during the year.
There are over 120 charts being maintained round the clock so it’s necessary to split the videos into THREE parts – Part I STOCK INDICES, PART II COMMODITIES & PART III CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES.
PART I Stock Indices VIDEO is available NOW!
This latest update of U.S., European and Global/Emerging market indices covers 38 newly illustrated Elliott Wave forecasts of the medium and long-term time-series. Our chief Elliott Wave analyst and Founder of WaveTrack International, Peter Goodburn is again your host. Once again, he talks us through all of the main themes and up-coming changes that are apparent within the pattern development of the major markets. He also illustrates some of the major cycles for the benchmark S&P 500 index, expounding his articulate knowledge of cyclicity obtained from his 25-year study of luminaries such as Edward Dewey and W.D. Gann.
The stock index list includes medium/long-term Elliott Wave analysis for the following:
Peter’s work is absolutely unique – you’ll be taking a look at Elliott Wave counts never seen anywhere else – GUARENTEED!
His 25-years of ground-breaking research into the seamless adherence of pattern development unfolding within specific geometric, Fibonacci dimensions provides the foundation for all the Elliott Wave forecasts shown in this video. This has enabled Peter to identify major directional changes ahead of time over the last sixteen years – for example:
• Identified a major top in the Dow Jones (DJIA) in March 2000
• Forecast the exact low in the Dow Jones in Oct.’02
• Forecast the Dow Jones’ high in Oct.’07 3-years ahead of time
• Identified the Dow/S&P’s price low ahead of March ‘09
• Forecast the S&P’s decline in year-2011 to exact levels in October’s low
• Described + published the Secular-Bull uptrend in 2010-2011 into record highs
In last December’s Stock Index update, Peter described how major indices were trending lower but with the S&P’s cycle analysis signalling a major low in late-January/February – see this cycle analysis below…
…and how the KBW Banking Index was finalising a major low before resuming its medium-term uptrend…
These were just two hints that markets were going to get off to a shaky start, but then turn around to resume larger uptrends!
Get Up-to-date on the next 6-month outlook – & beyond!
As an Elliott Wave Compass subscriber, we’ve ensured you have access to this Institutional–grade analysis at very modest expense.
PART I Stock Indices VIDEO is available now, at only $48.00!
We’ll send you a personal link so that you can watch the video, anytime at your convenience.
And if you’d like to subscribe to the up-coming COMMODITIES & CURRENCIES videos in PART II & PART III, you can receive ALL THREE for $96.00! – that’s a saving of 33% per cent!
• Single Video – $48.00
• Triple Package offer – $96.00 (saving 33%)!
If you saw the EW forecasts for the COMMODITIES Video published in January’s 2016 PART II update, you’d find that downside targets were successfully achieved!…here’s an extract:
Since then, Newmont Mining has traded higher by an amazing +200% per cent!
And if you followed the CURRENCY video in combination with the Emerging Market and Commodity outlooks, you would have been fully prepared for a big change in the US$ dollar, and related EM/Commodity Currencies, like the Canadian Dollar:
Single Video – $48.00 – PART I STOCK INDICES (Dec. ’16)
Triple Package offer – $96.00 (saving 33%)! – PART I – PART II – PART III (Dec. ’16 – Feb. ’17)
PARTS II & III will be available in a few weeks’ time (2017!) – we’re working on it!
To receive your VIDEO UPDATE please click here to contact us.
– Please state if you wish to purchase the SINGLE VIDEO for STOCK INDICES for USD 48.00?
– Or opt for the TRIPLE PACKAGE for USD 96.00 in total?
– Next we will send you a PayPal payment request and provide you with the video link & PDF report once confirmed.
We’re sure you’ll reap the benefits – don’t forget to contact us with any Elliott Wave questions – Peter is always keen to hear you views, queries and comments.
Most sincerely,
WaveTrack’s Elliott Wave Team
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