WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

Don’t be misled by short ‘C’ waves! [Gold]

Last Friday’s late-session upswings for both gold & silver have delayed the downside targets for gold towards 1272.43 having tested 1287.75 even though original levels for silver were duly reached with a low recorded at 20.11. If silver is viewed in isolation, it is possible to describe a zig zag pattern completing into last week’s […]Continue reading «Don’t be misled by short ‘C’ waves! [Gold]»

Australia ASX 200 close to the critical resistance level

Additional upside has brought the ASX close to its original upside projections at 5631. These are derived basis the assumption that an expanding flat sequence is in progress from the Oct.’13 high of 5457 – a fib. 38.2% upside extension of the initial decline from there labelled minor wave a. measures to 5631 which should […]Continue reading «Australia ASX 200 close to the critical resistance level»

Alcoa is testing its interim upside targets

Late last year, 2013, we published Alcoa forecast showing a double zig zag advance is being in progress from the March ’09 low of 4.97:   Yesterday (2014-07-16) Alcoa prices recorded a 16.71 high – a fib. 61.8% cut of the entire projected advance (7.63-27.02) which is the most common measurement within a zig zag […]Continue reading «Alcoa is testing its interim upside targets»

Bullish on gold? You might be too late!

We also have been bullish on gold, but that’s now one-month-old news… Here is what EW-Compass report was suggesting on 4th of June: ‘Although gold’s decline from the April high of 1331.21 has unfolded to current levels into a seven price-swing formation, as a double zig zag however, it must now immediately begin a reversal […]Continue reading «Bullish on gold? You might be too late!»

The Russell’s 2000 decline unfolds into a five wave seqence

The advance from the mid-May low of 1082.53 clearly subdivides into a five wave pattern into the recent high at 1213.55 that marks the conclusion of the larger five wave impulse pattern that began from the June ’12 low. Furthermore, the subsequent decline from 1213.55 has unfolded into a clearly visible five wave expanding-impulse pattern […]Continue reading «The Russell’s 2000 decline unfolds into a five wave seqence»

PowerShares DB Agriculture Fund ETF

Back in early March ’14, the PowerShares DB Agriculture Fund was close to a five wave expanding-impulse pattern completion from the 24.04 low. We published this forecast (in EW-Compass report, dated 3rd of March) with an intension that once this pattern is completed, the following counter-trend decline must follow that most commonly unfolds into a […]Continue reading «PowerShares DB Agriculture Fund ETF»

About WTI

WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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