WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

New Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update now available!

by WaveTrack International| June 23, 2023 | No Comments

Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update 2023  www.wavetrack.com

Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update 2023


  • October ’22 Rallies Approaching Completion
  • Systemic Financial Credit Risks Ahead
  • U.S. Regional Banks Crisis Develops 2nd Fallout
  • Recession Risks Heightened
  • Central Banks Announce Terminal Interest Rate Peaks
  • October ’22 Bearish Sentiment Turns into Bullish Extreme
  • Overbought Conditions
  • Most Indices Expected to Break Below Oct.’22 Lows
  • AI Tech Frenzy Hit Peak for this Year, Sharp Declines Ahead
  • Some Technology Stocks Hit Bottom Last Year but set for Deep Counter-Trend Declines
  • Eurostoxx Banks also Vulnerable
  • Emerging Markets Vary
  • China to Outperform in next Decline
  • Japan’s Recent Euphoria Unwinds
  • Central Banks

    Central Banks are still warning markets that the fight against inflation is ongoing. This determined approach is perpetuating their hawkish resolve. Yet, should interest rates remain elevated, there is little doubt that major stock indices will struggle to maintain this year’s advances. The deteriorating bank balance sheets caused by deposit withdrawals are expected to trigger a second banking crisis. Perfectly following this year’s earlier debacle. Furthermore, we believe that systemic financial credit risk provides the catalyst for a short but sharp recession in developed markets.

    Banking Sector Risk

    The biggest downside risk remains in the banking sector. February/March’s meltdown in U.S. regional banks is only the beginning of a more widespread contagion. Rapidly declining deposit withdrawals due to banks’ reluctance to pass on interest rate rises to customers will cause another round of balance sheet problems.

    U.S. Sectors

    U.S. Sectors show another period of Value (SVX) outperforming Growth (SGX) over the next several months, suggesting an overall stock index decline prompting defensive or safe-haven strategies. Banking sector weakest although declines expected in Dow Jones Transportation, XLF Financials, NBI Biotechnology, XLV Healthcare and XLY Consumer Discretionary.

    Furthermore, we will discuss in detail why we believe that Continental European and Asian stock indices are expected to decline by double-digit percentages during the next several months. Stay informed about the latest market predictions and analysis with our Video Mid-Year report.

    Quite a Year so far for Stock Indices!

    This year’s stock market recovery from last September’s/October’s 2022 lows has overturned the extreme bearish sentiment that occurred eight months ago. Initial gains were met with derision as central banks continued their rate-hiking cycle which began in March ’22. With headline inflation surging higher in both the U.S. and Europe, central banks had little choice but to maintain aggressive monetary tightening.

    Ordinarily, money supply constraints would be bearish for stock markets, but last year’s (2022’s) sell-off came as a surprise to markets and by the time prices bottomed last September/October, sentiment was so bearish, it held back expectations of a sustained recovery. In fact, this was reflected over the next several months in various investment bank fund manager surveys – as the months ticked by, large asset managers held onto high cash levels, reluctant to buy back into the market so soon after lightening-up on positioning during last year’s sell-off. Expectations of a recession dominated thinking as CB’s continued rate-hiking cycles.

    Stock markets ignored the fundamentals, rising initially modestly, hesitantly, with the benchmark S&P 500 gaining +20% per cent by early-May ’23. Only in June have prices begun to accelerate, mainly because of improving sentiment over the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT technologies, especially reflected in a narrow band of big-tech stocks like Nvidia Corp.

    We’re now in a situation where the AI frenzy has turned mainstream, pushing other index benchmarks higher, attracting those big asset fund managers to re-enter the market. The big question everyone’s asking is whether this is a sustainable uptrend that began from last September’s/October’s lows? Or are central banks going to trigger a recession? Persistently high interest rate levels could precipitate another banking crisis. This latest mid-year report attempts to answer those questions.

    New Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update 2023 – PART I/III

    This exclusive Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update from WaveTrack International is a rare gem that presents the future trends using an innovative approach based on the Elliott Wave Principle (EWP), in addition to the correlation between Cycles, Fib-Price-Ratios, Sentiment extremes, and Economic data trends.

    You don’t want to miss out on this unique opportunity to expand your financial knowledge, and we’re thrilled to invite you to join us on this exciting journey. With our video subscription details listed below, you’re just a few moments away from gaining access to valuable insights that will enhance your investment strategy.

    WaveTrack’s team of experts offers you unprecedented access to a comprehensive analysis of the stock market that cannot be found anywhere else.

    Most sincerely,

    Peter Goodburn
    Founder and Chief Elliott Wave Analyst
    WaveTrack International

    Contents Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update 2023

    Charts: 91 | Video: 2 hours 30 mins.

  • Interest Rates + Inflationary Pressures
  • Money Supply
  • US Deposit Outflows
  • Loan Book
  • CPI
  • S&P 500 + cycle
  • Dow Jones 30
  • Russell 2000
  • Nasdaq 100
  • AI ChatGPD
  • FANG+
  • NVIDIA Corp
  • FaceBook Metaverse
  • Apple
  • KBW Banking Index
  • JP Morgan
  • KRE Regional Banking ETF
  • US Bancorp
  • Truist Financial Corp
  • Value vs Growth
  • DJ Transportation Average
  • DJ Utility Index
  • XLF Financial
  • XLK Technology
  • NASDAQ Biotechnology
  • XLV Health Care
  • SOX Semiconductor
  • XLY Consumer Discretionary
  • XLP Consumer Staples
  • Eurostoxx 50
  • Xetra Dax 30
  • FTSE-100
  • EuroStock Banks
  • Deutsche Bank
  • UniCredit
  • Commerzbank
  • MSCI Emerging Market
  • MSCI China
  • China Enterprises
  • Hang Seng
  • Shanghai Composite
  • Bovespa
  • Russia RTS
  • Nifty 50
  • Tasi
  • Singapore Straits
  • Taiwan SE Weighted
  • Jakarta Composite Index
  • Kospi
  • ASX 200
  • Nikkei 225

    Single Video – *$49.00 – PART I Stock Index Mid-Year Video Update 2023 (June 2023) or send us an email to services@wavetrack.com
    Triple Package offer – *$99.00 (saving 33%)! – PART I – PART II – PART III (June – August ’23)

  • Each video runs for at least 1 hour 50 minutes and it’s packed with SPECIFIC Elliott Wave price-forecasts. The Stock Index Video is already 2 hours 30 mins. long!.
  • *(additional VAT may be added depending on your country – currently US, Canada, Asia have no added VAT but most European countries do)

  • BONUS! The Stock Index Mid-Year Video Update 2023 contains 91 charts already. illustrated in the VIDEOS will be created into a .pdf document/report and sent to you so that you can always keep these to refer to!
  • PARTS II & III will be available in a few weeks’ time – we’re working on it!


    To receive your VIDEO UPDATE please click here to contact us.
    – Please state if you wish to purchase the SINGLE VIDEO – Stock Index Mid-Year Video Update 2023 for USD *49.00 and send us an email to services@wavetrack.com?
    – Or opt for the TRIPLE PACKAGE for USD *99.00 in total?
    – Next -depending on you preference- we will send you a credit card payment link (for this we need your name and address) or alternatively, a PayPal payment request and provide you with the video link & PDF report once payment is confirmed. Please know the reply can take up to 6 hours. But rest assured we will give our best to provide you with the information as soon as possible!

    *(additional VAT may be added depending on your country of residence. Currently, the US, Canada, Asia have no added VAT but most European countries do)

    We’re sure you’ll reap the benefits – don’t forget to contact us with any Elliott Wave questions – Peter is always keen to hear your views, queries, and comments.

    Visit us @ www.wavetrack.com


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    WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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