WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

Stock Indices Video Outlook 2024 – PART I/III

by WaveTrack International| December 30, 2023 | No Comments

Stock Indices Video Outlook 2024

Stock Indices Video Outlook 2024

Recession Alert! – Heightened Risk of a Hard Landing in 2024!!
FANG+ & Mag-7 Slide Lower in 2024

Highlights 2024

  • Recession Alert! – Heightened Risk of a Hard Landing in 2024!!
  • Correction of Post-Pandemic Advance Incomplete
  • Wave B of A-B-C Zig Zag/Expanding Flat Patterns Approaching Upside Completion
  • Heightened Risk of Another Downturn for Global Indices in 2024 as Wave C
  • Optimism Over Central Bank Interest Rate Peaks Overestimated Weighs Heavily on Economies
  • S&P 500 Benchmark Expected Down -38%
  • Nasdaq 100 Technology -50% – Fang+ Technology Particularly Vulnerable to Tail-Risk
  • Large Counter-Trend Declines for Amazon Inc., Alphabet/Google, Apple Inc., Meta/Facebook, Microsoft, Netflix, Nvidia & Tesla
  • Benchmark Eurostoxx 50 Forecast Down -38% – London’s FTSE-100 Down -20%
  • MSCI EM 2023 Uptrend Intact
  • MSCI China/Hong Kong Hold Up
  • Russia -30%, India -26%, Israel -26%, Saudi Arabia -30%, Singapore -15%, Taiwan -36%, Jakarta -24%, South Korea -28%, Australia -27%, Japan -38%
  • TAIL RISK IN 2024!!

    A yield curve inversion almost always occurs before a recession although its effects can begin up to 15 months later. The more recent inversion began in July ’22. And we’re now 17 months later. This is clearly highlighting the probability a recession is just ahead. Bank of America analysts show the S&P 500 begins a decline of up to -40% once the curve begins to steepen again.

    The decline accelerates as the Federal Reserve begins to tighten credit and the market collapses following the first rate cut. It then forms a trough/low 9 months later. This synopsis tallies with our bearish Elliott Wave outlook for the S&P 500 for the coming year, 2024. We’re expecting a decline of -38% per cent. Contrastingly, Goldman Sachs forecasts a limited risk of recession with a year-end target of 4700.00+/- (-2%), Deutsche Bank a mild recession, 5100.00+/- (+8%), JP Morgan a risk of recession, 4200.00+/- (-12%) and Societe Generale a mild recession, 4750.00+/- (-1%).

    However, the U.S. Banking sector is particularly vulnerable to a strong downturn should interest rates remain higher-for-longer with commercial real estate defaults likely to accelerate.

    SPOTLIGHT – Technology!

    This is a must have video for those who invested in the Magnificent 7 Stocks! We believe that Fang+ Technology are particularly vulnerable to Tail-Risk factor mentioned above. Moreover, there will be large counter-trend declines for Amazon Inc., Alphabet/Google, Apple Inc., Meta/Facebook, Microsoft, Netflix, Nvidia & Tesla. Get our latest video and be prepared.

    New Stock Indices Video Outlook 2024 – PART I/III

    The central themes we’ll be discussing in this video include Interest Rate trends and expectations, inflation and what happens should Central Banks keep interest rates higher-for-longer.

    We’re examining clues in the last year’s yield curve inversion and later. Moreover, systemic financial credit risks showing-up in the U.S. and European banking sector.

    We’re taking an updated look at the final stage of the inflation-pop cycle which is propelling stock indices higher from the pandemic lows. Many are unfolding into ending-type diagonal patterns but are missing the required 2nd wave downside sell-offs that only partially materialised in 2022. 2023’s rallies are unlikely to be sustained. European indices staged relative outperformance since lows in September 2022 but are also expected to generate big declines during the next year ahead of resuming higher afterwards.

    MSCI China and the Emerging Market index are both looking positive. At the very least, these outperform Developed Market indices in 2024.

    This STOCK INDICES Video Outlook 2024 is like nothing you’ve seen anywhere else in the world. It’s unique to WaveTrack International, how we foresee trends developing through the lens of Elliott Wave Principle (EWP) and how its forecasts correlate with Fibonacci Price Ratios, Sentiment extremes and Economic data trends.

    We invite you to take this next step in our financial journey with us – video subscription details are below – just follow the links and we’ll see you soon!

    Most sincerely,

    Peter Goodburn
    Founder and Chief Elliott Wave Analyst
    WaveTrack International

    Contents Stock Indices Video Outlook 2024

    Charts: 97 | Video: 2 hours 29 mins.

  • Fed Fund + Inflation, FedWatch, G7 CPI…
  • S&P 500
  • Dow Jones 30 + cycle
  • Russell 2000
  • Nasdaq 100
  • Magnificent 7 Stocks
  • FANG+
  • Amazon
  • Google/Alphabet
  • Apple Inc.
  • Facebook/Metaverse
  • Microsoft
  • Netflix
  • Tesla
  • KBW Banking Index
  • KRE Regonal Banking
  • XLF Financial
  • DJ Transportation Average
  • DJ Utilities Average
  • Value vs. Growth (SVX vs SGX)
  • XLK Technology
  • SOX Semiconductor
  • XLV Health Care
  • XLY Consumer Discretionary
  • XLP Consumer Staples
  • EuroStoxx
  • Xetra Dax
  • FTSE-100
  • EuroStock Banks
  • Deutsche Bank
  • UniCredit
  • Commerzbank
  • MSCI Emerging Market
  • MSCI China
  • MSCI Hong Kong
  • Hang Seng
  • Shanghai Composite
  • Bovespa
  • Sensex
  • Nifty 50
  • Tasi
  • Singapore Straits
  • Taiwan SE Weighted
  • All Ordinaries Australia
  • ASX 200
  • Nikkei 225

    Single Video – *$49.00 – PART I Stock Index Video Outlook 2024 (December ’23) or send us an email to services@wavetrack.com
    Triple Package offer – *$99.00 (saving 33%)! – PART I – PART II – PART III (January – February ’24)

  • Each video runs for at least 1 hour 50 minutes and it’s packed with SPECIFIC Elliott Wave price-forecasts. The Stock Index Video is already 2 hours 28 mins. long!.
  • *(additional VAT may be added depending on your country – currently US, Canada, Asia have no added VAT but most European countries do)

  • BONUS! The Stock Index Video Outlook 2024 contains 97 charts already. illustrated in the VIDEOS will be created into a .pdf document/report and sent to you so that you can always keep these to refer to!
  • PARTS II & III will be available in a few weeks’ time – we’re working on it!


    To receive your VIDEO UPDATE please use this instant PayPal payment link for US, UK, Australian and international customer except EU customers click here.

    – Alternatively, if you like to pay via credit card, we are very happy to send you a credit card payment link – contact us via email to services@wavetrack.com/
    – Or opt for the TRIPLE PACKAGE for USD *99.00 in total?
    – As soon as we receive payment either via the instant PayPal payment link or via the credit card link we provide you with the video link & PDF report once payment is confirmed. Please know the reply can take up to 6 hours. But rest assured we will give our best to provide you with the information as soon as possible!

    *(additional VAT may be added depending on your country of residence. Currently, the US, Canada, Asia have no added VAT except EU countries)

    We’re sure you’ll reap the benefits – don’t forget to contact us with any Elliott Wave questions – Peter is always keen to hear your views, queries, and comments.

    Visit us @ www.wavetrack.com


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    WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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