WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

Lonmin PLC begins its final stage of a multi-year bear market

by m.tamosauskas| May 10, 2015 | 1 Comment

Lonmin, the third-largest platinum miner by output, is struggling with its business since precious metals remain in their bear markets. Platinum is at its lowest price in almost six years. Investments cuts, workface layoffs and strikes become a new normal in this sector. However, one should keep in mind that precious metals are in their final bear-market phase and looking further ahead, our ‘inflation-pop’ scenario should dramatically change the situation in a mining sector. The Lonmin is expected to stage a final sell-off during the next few months prior to beginning the new bull market. Basis Elliott Wave analysis, the advance that began from the March ’15 low of 105.70 unfolded into a single zig zag pattern, labelled a.-b.-c. in minor degree with a completion into the recent high of 157.50. Note a fib. 61.8%/38.2% ratio within a single zig zag pattern. The recent spike and an immediate reversal to the downside suggest the final sell-off has already begun from the 157.50 high:

Lonmin PLC_150510a


One Response to “Lonmin PLC begins its final stage of a multi-year bear market”

  1. Falling off the cliff (Lonmin PLC Elliott Wave update) - WaveTrack International
    July 14th, 2015 @ 6:03 pm

    […] our Elliott Wave forecast for the Lonmin PLC describing the topping formation in progress (see the link): ‘The Lonmin is expected to stage a final sell-off during the next few months prior to beginning […]

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