WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting

Gold Stocks – Generational Opportunity!

by m.tamosauskas| August 18, 2015 | No Comments

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Generational Opportunity!


It’s not often that opportunities in financial markets come around that can be measured in ‘generational’ terms, occurring perhaps just a few times in one’s own lifetime. And especially because it’s generally very difficult to identify these opportunities early enough to capture meaningful returns. But such an opportunity is presenting itself for precious metal mining stocks.

During the last several years, from the pre-financial-crisis highs of 2006-2007, many of the major, global precious metal mining stocks have been engaged in multi-year declines that have unfolded into perfectly formed Elliott Wave counter-trend patterns. If these declines were small percentage affairs, then we probably wouldn’t be making much noise about it – but these are huge!

For example, Agnico-Eagle Mines has decline so far by -74.80 per cent! Barrick Gold, the largest gold miner in the world has declined during the same period by -87.88% per cent. There are many more too! To see major companies like these decline by such large percentages, you’d have to go back to the dot.com bust of 2000-2002 or even back to the Great Depression era of 1929-32 for equivalent comparisons. Sure, there are always individual cases where we see companies decline these percentages, but not an entire sector – that itself tells of an important message that something important is going on.

Well, something important is going on. The precious metal mining companies have been the out-of-favour sector for quite some time now, since dual highs formed in 2011. But some perfectly formed Elliott Wave patterns are now indicating of an imminent change that would have far-reaching implications for the next several years.

Our market reports for many of the precious metal mining companies have been the focus of our up-coming ‘
inflation-pop’ theme for some time now, and we’ve updated these mining companies in various reports earlier this year.

But we’d like to announce the very latest Elliott Wave updates are now available for every subscriber to the Elliott Wave Compass report.    

In the report, the latest wave counts are available for:
  • Agnico Gold
  • Barrick Gold
  • AngloGold
  • Newmont Mining
  • RoyalGold
  • Silver Wheaton
  • Platinum
  • Anglo American
  • Lonmin
  • PetroBras
Don’t waste time – this analysis is TIME SENSITIVE! Ensure your Elliott Wave Compass subscription is up-to-date and we’ll send you the Precious Metal Miners report post-haste!
All the very best to you!

Peter Goodburn

Chief Elliott Wave Analyst

WaveTrack International


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