WaveTrack International

Elliott Wave Financial Price Forecasting


Stock Indices Mid-Year Video Update 2024 Includes ECONOMIC INDICATOR & SENTIMENT STUDIES Stock Market Crash Inevitable Highlights 2024 Stock Market Crash Inevitable Tail Risks: Interest Rates Remaining Higher-for-Longer Treasury Debt Issuance over $2 Trillion Commercial Real Estate Refinancing at $929bn in 2024 Yield Curve Inversion into 22nd Month Indicating Recession Insider Selling Hits 3-Year High […]Continue reading «STOCK INDICES Mid-Year Video Update! PART I/III»


‘SHOCK-POP-DROP’ & ‘INFLATION-POP’Explained! Almost all commodities ended super-cycle uptrends around the year’s 2006-2008. We define the super-cycle uptrend not from the 1999 lows as is generally considered in the financial industry but from the ‘Great Depression’ lows of 1932. This is because most commodities reached all-time lows at that time. Even lower than levels traded […]Continue reading «‘SHOCK-POP-DROP’ & ‘INFLATION-POP’ Explained»

SP500 – Crisis! What Crisis!

The SP500 advance is only three waves up from the March 23rd low – so does this qualify as a corrective a-b-c zig zag within a secular-bear downtrend, or a bullish 1-2-1 sequence within the continuation of the secular-bull uptrend? The Big Question Given the amount of correspondence received recently, we’d like to address the […]Continue reading «SP500 – Crisis! What Crisis!»

Doomsday Dollar, FT and Peter Goodburn

US Dollar Highlight – This is Peter Goodburn’s response to a Financial Times article published in Monday’s newspaper entitled ‘The Doomsday Dollar Scenario’ by Rana Foroohar Monday 30th September 2019 Dear Ms. Foroohar, Just read your article on the US$ Dollar. Your reference Ulf Lindahl at AG Bisset as your source but notice you also […]Continue reading «Doomsday Dollar, FT and Peter Goodburn»

New Stock Index Video 2019 Released! Part I/III

Stock Index Video 2019 Part I/III 2018’s 4th WAVE CORRECTION APPROACHING A TERMINAL LOW IN Q1 2019! This report combines ELLIOTT WAVE with updated SENTIMENT & ECONOMIC INDICATOR STUDIES We’re pleased to announce the publication of WaveTrack’s Annual 2019 video updates of medium-term ELLIOTT WAVE price-forecasts. Today’s release is PART I, Stock Index Video – […]Continue reading «New Stock Index Video 2019 Released! Part I/III»


CATALONIA INDEPENDENCE OR BUST? History Repeats? Geopolitical events remain in focus this year following on from 2014’s Scottish referendum, last year’s June Brexit vote in the United Kingdom and Donald Trump’s surge into the White House last November. Now, it’s Catalonia’s turn to hold the headlines with the Catalexit. Interestingly enough, at each stage prior […]Continue reading «SPAIN IBEX-35 INDEX – CATALEXIT or BUST?»


Bitcoin – To Be or Not To Be?! Much hype has surrounded Bitcoin over the last few years but especially this year since prices of the crypto-currency have gained by a phenomenal +555% per cent! So far, I’ve resisted various requests to look into the Elliott Wave pattern development of Bitcoin, mainly because its data-history […]Continue reading «BITCOIN – BUBBLE OR NO BUBBLE?»

STOCK INDICES VIDEO – 2nd Phase of the ‘INFLATION-POP’ Gets Underway!

We’re pleased to announce the publication of WaveTrack’s 2017 video update of medium-term forecasts for STOCK INDICES! Since the inaugural edition of the EW-Compass report, you’ve asked for accompanying medium/long-term analysis in gaining a broader perceptive of Elliott Wave pattern development for many of the world’s major indices. So we’ve taken many charts from our […]Continue reading «STOCK INDICES VIDEO – 2nd Phase of the ‘INFLATION-POP’ Gets Underway! »

Presidential Election – Clinton Win! – Elliott Wave

Biotechnology Index (NBI) As the U.S. electorate goes to the polls, it still seems that the battle between Trump & Clinton is a close-run race for the White House. Latest opinion-polls places Trump on 43.6% of the vote, Clinton slightly ahead at 46.8% per cent, 9.6% per cent abstaining. But can the Elliott Wave Principle […]Continue reading «Presidential Election – Clinton Win! – Elliott Wave»

FOREX and INTEREST RATES – Post-Brexit Video Update!

POST-BREXIT – Order resides in Chaos! This mid-year video update is the third and final installment in the three-part series of Elliott Wave Forecasts. Part III takes a look at the developing trends of CURRENCIES & INTEREST RATES and comes just a couple of days following the U.K.’s referendum ‘Brexit’ vote. We take a look […]Continue reading «FOREX and INTEREST RATES – Post-Brexit Video Update!»

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About WTI

WaveTrack International is a financial price forecasting company dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle and work of the R.N. Elliott. Clients include Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Total/Absolute-Return/Hedge Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate and Market-Making/Trading institutions and informed individuals -- & just about anyone who is affected by directional price change.

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